Sarah, new to the ward, senses
a friend in Nurse Nicole as she sits
at the end of the bed, eyes closed
and dread of the operation lessens;
she knows that all will be well
as trust replaces fear.
Some of the other nurses bitch
she doesn't fill forms properly
she only washes her own cup
but Matron squashes their cattiness
jealousy can run rampant
unless quickly curtailed.
The doctors are pleased she is back
some appreciate their task will be easier
as her soothing hands find
the place that needs reminding
it is part of the whole
and is free to join in the healing.
and dread of the operation lessens;
she knows that all will be well
as trust replaces fear.
Some of the other nurses bitch
she doesn't fill forms properly
she only washes her own cup
but Matron squashes their cattiness
jealousy can run rampant
unless quickly curtailed.
The doctors are pleased she is back
some appreciate their task will be easier
as her soothing hands find
the place that needs reminding
it is part of the whole
and is free to join in the healing.